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CFD IMPACT Conference 2016

We are pleased to announce that the CFD IMPACT 2016 Conference will be held on Tuesday June 28, 2016 at the Technion. In this year’s conference we hope to repeat and build on last year’s successful conference, and highlight, among other topics, high performance computing. In addition to this year's Keynote Speaker, Prof. Clinton Groth from Univ. of Toronto, a world leader in applying high-order CFD to practical problems in aerospace and propulsion, we will feature a contributed talk from researchers at the National University of Defense Technology, located in Changsha Hunan Province, China, specifically the lead author of this study on CPU-GPU for large-scale CFD on the TianHe-1A, the world's fastest supercomputer, will be in attendance and presenting.


Conference topics include High-fidelity numerical methods in CFD, 

High-performance computing in CFD, High Reynolds number turbulence

in CFD, High-complexity in CFD.

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Prof. Clinton P. T. Groth 
Institute for Aerospace Studies 
University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario

"Parallel High-Order Finite-Volume Methods with Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Physically-Complex Flows" 

The development and application of highly-scalable and efficient parallel high-order finite- volume methods with local solution-dependent adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) are described. The proposed solution methodology has been designed for the solution of multi-scale physically-complex flows having both disparate and anisotropic spatial and temporal scales on high-performance multi-processor, distributed-memory, computer architectures and combines a family of robust and accurate high-order central essentially non-oscillatory (CENO) spatial discretization schemes...       

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